30 Mar 2010

happy easter!

in 2 days' time!!! a long-waited holiday....heading off to london for a short n rush trip ^^v hvn't been to this city for the last couple years, can't wait to visit the tate museum, n a taste of tea, etc

28 Mar 2010

imaginary wrapping paper 2

my second design... luv potions...
rescue ppl with ur luv...or being rescued by someone's :D

for illustration friday

27 Mar 2010


heard this song "maybe" by samantha shelton while random-blog-browsing, felt in luv with it~ n so is her "cranky moon"!!!! :))

tried looking for her cd at hmv today, but they don't hv any... :( so for now, lemme replay them over n over n over again on youtube...

25 Mar 2010

on my way to work...

shd hv taken a picture of them monday when they r more beautiful. maybe next time!

23 Mar 2010

imaginary wrapping paper

saw this fun n interesting wrapping paper project hosted by frinton press via kickcan & conkers's site.... go check out those luvly patterns!

and they're now accepting world wide entries so here goes my first attempt...hehe..

happy baking

over the wkend, and now it's happy eating! at past 12pm! yummmmmm ^^
(and fatening, of course...)

21 Mar 2010


so this is what i'm trying to make...at first glance, it looks quite "unfinished" and ugly indeed...hehehe
n now, bunny meets its soul mate...*the* (empty) cookie jar!

n now, with the utmost important ingredient....cookies!!! (didn't get the time to make cookies myself, so these r just some supermarket ones...)

ps. photos r by iphone, not stunning but gd enough to show&tell a story :D

pps. i made these cookies before, but ate them all long b4 the bunny is done :(

20 Mar 2010

don't forget to

check your lottery ticket!! they do expire!!
for illustration friday

17 Mar 2010

work in progress

guess wut i'm trying to make? :)
n er, no, not so obvious that it's a shower cap, guess again!
will reveal once done! hopefully by next wk :D

14 Mar 2010

can't find my crochet hook :(

but found these old photos instead...(i had a pretty bad camera back X years ago!)
these bunnies were for my parents' 25th wedding anniversary, if i rmb correctly the year :)
and then i found some random cloth i got from japan which i need to assign some purpose to (perhaps a teddy bear or bunny? if it's not too hard to do..hehe).....
suddenly wants to try all the DIY's for making dollies so badly! next weekend, i must pay a visit to get all necessary tools together!!

11 Mar 2010

DIY Tote bags - first attempt!!

um, not exactly "DIY"-ing the tote itself, but the fact that i'm "decorating" it with my drawing, by both medium - hand drawn with fabric pens (not too successful, sob sob) and ironed on with transfer paper (slightly better results)

born the panda prototype!

pandas drawn by moi and gum with fabric pens. as u can see, we keep smudging the cloth n the blacks aren't "black enough" (oh n we were testing out 2 types of black pen too...so...not exactly pretty!)
fabric pens i got from vancouver & hk used on panda...none of them work well with my fingers :(
enhancing panda prototype & creating banana skin prototype with transfer paper <--slightly more managable, but still leaves some yucky yellow marks on the bag :((
added little details to panda

n so, by judging my own output quality, i say i still hv a looooooooooong way to go before i can go ahead n pursue my career plan c, which is to rely on selling pretty pretty bags n gds online and earn a living on it!! :P

plus need to find a way to lower the production cost...these transfer papers are expensive!!

9 Mar 2010


tired lately.....

got so tied up at work, both during office hour and off office hour. some days mentally, other days actually working thru piles of stuff thru the night. not the hours that matter (compared to my "previous life" working til 2am? 12midnite is a piece of cake!) but the draining of my limited brain power is what exhausts me...

well at least, all these are done at home! n at least, i'm working on something that value-adds, which i (sort of) like doing!

anyhoo, slping at nite alone seems not enough, taking a nap in office is the next way to go!! 15-min of power nap is indeed, powerful!!

6 Mar 2010


at 8cm aren't actually *that* tall i know, but for me, it's already toooo tall! <-- and nope, i'm not tall at all myself, in fact quite short....it's just me not used to wearing heels at that height......
n it does require me extra courage to buy and walk in these...as it means extra attention to avoid tripping myself over! (but too tempted not to buy them...so nice n cheap!!)

for illustration friday

3 Mar 2010

pick your colour!

oh my incredibly gosh! this colour test is toooo accurate!! :OOO
Source: http://www.careerpath.com/career-tests/colorcareercounselor.aspx
moi results: 
Best Occupational Category      You're a CREATOR
Nonconforming, Impulsive, Expressive, Romantic, Intuitive, Sensitive, and Emotional

These original types place a high value on aesthetic qualities and have a great need for self-expression. They enjoy working independently, being creative, using their imagination, and constantly learning something new. Fields of interest are art, drama, music, and writing or places where they can express, assemble, or implement creative ideas.

2nd Best Occupational Category      You're an ORGANIZER
Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate

These conservative appearing, plotting-types enjoy organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. They often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. Persistence and patience allows them to do detailed paperwork, operate office machines, write business reports, and make charts and graphs.
this is like, my full time job + career aspiration plan c! except now i need to figure a way to turn the 2 around...wahahaha... n nope, not that i need any guidance for my own career planning (it's always been "early retirement", my ultimate goal), just that i thought it'd be fun to test if a test is  accurate or not =v=

2 Mar 2010

no matter how hot it is

outisde, it's always freezing cold (my standard at least!) in the office.. @_@
i start to miss the cheap cheap independently-run air conditioning in my old office..at least i can turn it off :(